Sunscreens for Oily and Dry Skin: An Essential or Unnecessary Product?

Recently, you have seen or heard debates going on about sunscreen. “Is sunscreen harmful?”, “Does sunscreen actually work?” or “Is it safe to use sunscreen every day?” Well, let us clear the air: using sunscreen is essential. According to many dermatologists, applying sunscreen regularly allows you to block UV radiation and protect your skin, preventing early aging and skin diseases. Read this guide to understand the importance of sun protection for your skin.

Benefits of Using Sunscreen

Here's why using sunscreen is essential.

Avoids Sunburn

The majority of sunburns are caused by UVB radiation, which sunscreen inhibits. The time of day and season have an impact on UVB intensity. Although it can burn you all year round, it is strongest at midday and in the spring and fall. Since UVB rays can pass through clouds, you can still become sunburned on overcast days, which is another compelling reason to wear sunscreen every day. You can get the best sunscreen at Skin Lab to protect your skin.

Minimizes Chances of Skin Diseases

The DNA within skin cells is damaged by excessive UV exposure. Skin cancer may result from their unchecked growth and replication. Sunscreen reduces solar damage by blocking this UV exposure. This makes it crucial to wear sunscreen every day.

Reduces the Visibility of Blotchy Skin

The tiny blood vessels in your face may grow and become more noticeable as a result of UV radiation exposure. This results in blotchy skin that doesn't go away and noticeable red and purple regions. Daily use of sunscreen helps avoid this damage and prevents the formation of these enlarged blood vessels.

Lowers the Chances of Pigmentation and Melasma

Prolonged exposure to UV light can also result in dark spots on the skin, such as hyperpigmentation and melasma. To help stop these spots from developing or getting worse, everyone should wear sunscreen every day, even those with darker skin tones.

Prevents Skin Conditions to Flare-Up

Even a small amount of unprotected sun exposure can exacerbate a number of skin disorders, including rosacea and cutaneous lupus. In addition, several drugs can make the skin more susceptible to sunburn. Daily use of sunscreen can prevent these responses, preventing skin conditions from getting triggered.

Prevents Early Aging

The proteins collagen and elastin, which keep your skin firm and supple, are also harmed by UV rays. UV light damage causes wrinkles, sunspots, sagging skin, and premature aging of the skin over time. However, using sunscreen allows you to slow down aging, giving you a younger appearance.

Misconceptions About Sunscreens

Here are some myths about sunscreen you should know about.

Misconception 1

Some people think that it doesn't matter how you use your sunscreen. But that's not true. Sunscreen application may appear to be as easy as applying, rubbing, and leaving it on. However, we are aware that the majority of individuals only apply between one-third and half of what is necessary, exposing a large portion of the skin to harmful UV rays. To cover your entire body, you need roughly one ounce of sunscreen. One full-shot glass is equal to that. Be methodical to make sure you're covered. Work your way down from your forehead to the tips of your toes, passing over your arms, legs, hands, and body. After swimming or intense perspiration, reapply it for optimal protection.

Misconception 2

Some people believe that after swimming or perspiring, you don't need to reapply waterproof sunscreen but that is not right. You might assume that wearing "waterproof" sunscreen has no risks when swimming or perspiring. However, the FDA states that there is no such thing as sunscreen that is completely waterproof. "Waterproof" sunscreens are just water-resistant. Even though they might not wash off as quickly as conventional sunscreens, they might last longer in the water. When you swim or perspire, you need to reapply sunscreen more often.

Misconception 3

Some individuals believe that if they can't see the sun, like on a rainy or gloomy winter day, they won't acquire sun damage. However, clouds typically offer little defense against the sun. Because the sun emits ultraviolet (UV) radiation, particularly UVA and UVB rays, it affects your skin. The strength of those rays at a specific moment is rated by the UV index. An increased risk of burning is linked to higher UV indices. A considerable risk of sun damage is indicated by a UV index of 6 or 7. And even with clouds, the UV index crosses 7, making it vital to apply sunscreen on cloudy days.

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